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Go beyond compliance to speed up AI adoption

Product teams within large organizations develop AI models to deliver business value. Group governance, risk, and validation teams must understand and control the associated risks. Calvin's AI model inventory enables organizations to gain the overview, align stakeholders, increase accountability, and accelerate decision making. This allows the business to comply with regulations, prevent incidents, shorten time-to-market, and create trustworthy AI as expected by customers.

  • Obtain an overview of AI models before and after deployment
  • Improve AI performance and reduce risk exposure or losses
  • Prepare for internal and external audits

Explore Governance Inventory features

Model Inventory

Capture model information and governance data. Access assessment logs.

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Business Use Case Inventory

Enter use case information and governance data including the EU AI risk level assessment.

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Risk Inventory

Define use case specific risk causes and effects, which impact the weighting of model risk scores and use case severity.

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How can Calvin Risk help me monitor my AI models before and after deployment?

Calvin Risk's Model Inventory feature allows youto capture detailed information about AI models, including their use cases, deployment status, ownership, and governance data. This comprehensive overview helps you understand the landscape of your AI models, both in development and in production, ensuring transparency and control.

Can Calvin Risk assist me in preparing for internal and external audits?

Our platform facilitates audit readiness by capturing comprehensive governance information related to AI models and use cases. You can easily access assessment logs, configuration details, and customization options, providing auditors with the necessary insights and documentation for compliance checks.

How does Calvin Risk accelerate decision-making processes within organizations?

We accelerate decision making by reducing uncertainty and making the decisiondata-driven/based on KPIs. 

What defines a trustworthy AI model?

Trustworthy AI refers to systems that are designed and deployed in a reliable, ethical, and transparent manner. Trustworthy AI adheres to guidelines and practices that build confidence in AI solutions, ensuring they meet customer and regulatory expectations for responsible and dependable technology.

What is the difference between a model inventory versus a business use case inventory of AI models?

A model inventory is a detailed list of all AI models the organization is developing or has deployed, focusing on the technical aspects such as training data, performance metrics, and version history. In contrast, a business use case inventory is a catalogue of the business applications, compliance material, and governance processes related to these AI models.

How can Calvin Risk help me create trustworthy AI?

Our platform enables you to capture and assess AI risk levels, ownership details, and other governance data, ensuring transparency and accountability in AI development. By fostering trust through responsible AI practices, you can meet customer expectations for ethical and reliable AI solutions.

What customization options are available within the Calvin Risk Governance Inventory?

Calvin Risk offers configuration and customization options tailored to your organization's specific needs. This includes defining use case-specific risk causes, adjusting model risk scoring weights, and adapting governance parameters to align with your unique requirements.

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